What Ways Can Social Media Affect Divorce Proceedings?

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Posted on in Divorce

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends and family and share our thoughts, experiences, and significant life events. However, social media can have many unintended consequences, particularly in divorce proceedings. Therefore, if you are a social media user, you must understand how social media can affect your divorce. If your marriage is heading toward a divorce, consider contacting a divorce attorney to understand your rights and legal options.

Be Careful Using Social Media During Divorce

First and foremost, social media can be used as evidence in divorce proceedings. Anything you post on social media can be used against you in court, even if you have deleted the post. For example, you could claim financial hardship and then post pictures of expensive vacations or purchases. Your spouse could use these posts against you to argue that you are not being truthful about your finances. 

Social media can also be used to gather evidence of infidelity. For example, if one spouse posts pictures or messages that suggest they are having an affair, the other spouse can use that evidence in court. Similarly, social media can be used to prove or disprove claims of abuse or neglect.

Additionally, social media can affect child custody or conservatorship, as it is legally referred to in Texas. For example, suppose one spouse posts pictures or messages that suggest they are not a responsible parent. In that case, the other spouse can use that evidence to argue that they should have sole managing conservatorship. On the other hand, if one spouse posts pictures or messages that suggest they are a more involved or responsible parent, they can use that evidence to argue for a joint managing conservatorship or sole managing conservatorship. 

Social media can also affect property division proceedings. For example, if one spouse posts pictures or messages that suggest they are hiding assets or property, the other spouse can use that evidence to argue for a more equitable division of property. Similarly, if one spouse posts pictures or messages that suggest they are more financially stable or have a higher earning potential, they can use that evidence to argue for a larger share of the marital property. 

Finally, social media can affect the emotional well-being of both spouses during divorce proceedings. Social media can be a source of stress and anxiety, particularly if one spouse is using it to harass or intimidate the other spouse. Moreover, social media can be a source of anger or frustration if one spouse uses it to air grievances publicly or make accusations against the other spouse.

Contact a Collin County Divorce Attorney

Your rights are sacred and must be protected. Contact the experienced Parker divorce lawyer with Law Office of Brian Bagley to fully understand your rights during your divorce. Call (972) 843-7158 for a free consultation.



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